One Simple Idea to Help Managers Improve Productivity and Lower Turnaround
Unfortunately, not every manager can be Michael Scott, CEO of Dunder Mifflin. However, managers can improve productivity and lower turnaround by taking a big cue from Michael Scott — MAKING WORK FUN. If your employees enjoy coming to work every day, they’ll work harder and complain less. The following tips are designed to help you change the culture at your workplace:
Be more like Michael Scott by:
- Relaxing
“Professional” does not have to mean “serious.” As an employer, you should strive to implement a personal conduct policy that allows your employees to work in a safe environment and enjoy themselves at the same time. This may mean that you take a hard stand on sexual and cruel jokes, but remain more lenient on harmless goofing off. Think through all your policies; don’t just create a rule to stop people from having fun or as a kneejerk reaction to a single incident. - Planning outings during work
If possible, plan occasional company outings during work hours. Through these outings, your employees will grow closer and create memories they’ll cherish for years. Remember that your outing doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive to be effective. While you could splurge and take your employees to a miniature golf course, bowling alley or baseball game, you could just as easily schedule a picnic, karaoke contest, talent show or game time in the middle of the workday. - Surprising your employees
Treat your employees to something special without telling them. You could give them a few extra hours off work one Friday, put treats in the break room or schedule a casual dress day. Remember that even little surprises can mean a lot. - Sponsoring theme days
While you may already allow your employees to dress up on Halloween, consider sponsoring other theme days. For example, for one day each year, you could allow jeans, shorts, hats, local sports team apparel or workout gear. The possibilities are endless, so get creative. - Spreading Joy
When managers act like jerks, they can bring a whole company down; but when they start spreading joy, management can effect a cultural change that quickly spreads across a company. Stress to your management team the importance of smiling and complementing employees. - Decorating
Sprucing up the workplace with a few plants and pictures can work wonders for employees’ mood. Consider posting artwork created by your employees or their children.
One final way to improve morale at your company [not sure if they do this at Dunder Mifflin or not 😉 ] is by distributing total compensation statements. These statements can show your employees how much they’re valued by connecting a dollar amount to their benefits.